He could only have thought this by disbelieving or ignoring the advantage of custom bookmarks/feeds to your reader and the widespread use of bookmarking icons across the footers of literally thousands of web sites. He let the relative simplicity of the tool's sophistication obscure the fact that for most people it has a high level of everyday usefulness.
The truth is we're all myopic in some way or another. It's dangerous to insulate yourself with your success (or degree/or title). A political heiress may need someone to tell her she's not cut out for the job. A governor may need someone to tell him that an FBI wiretap is probably not capricious. A pastor may need someone to point out that the huge slide about "Calvanism" should actually be spelled "Calvinism" (at least by the time the third service rolls around).
Faithful are the wounds of a friend - even if she might not invite you to her Martha's Vineyard bash this New Year's Eve.
A very happy and safe new year to all of you, and all the best in 2009. If you're a praying person, say one for me - I'll return the favor.