Monday, February 05, 2007

There's Always XLII...

After getting off to a Jack Bauer start in the first 14 seconds, avoiding interceptions was destined to be key to Chicago's winning or losing. You'll notice the correct jersey order - Urlacher, Hester, Grossman. But in the real media event, Careerbuilder came out the winner. What a contrast in their approach with the same theme in a little different package each time, in contrast to the predictably gratuitous go replaying the same ad. (Everybody wants to be in marketing - get it?) The 'bood-lite' ESL class and is-Charles-Barkley-Dwyane-Wade's-father? from T-Mobile also ranked up in the memorable column. Did you miss one of those? See it here.

But who picked the Clown Prince of Ambiguity for the halftime show? It was more than the doves crying about that torturous bit of showmanship. If the half-time show is going to be a circus, bring in Cirque du Soleil. Can the NFL find no real musical talent out there (Norah Jones, John Legend...) for the most widely watched media event of the year? Some things can't be fixed even by putting a giant bow on top of your head.

As for HP's strategy -- "Hmmm... It's a Harley ad, no it's an Orange County Choppers ad, no it's an HP ad, is there any more salsa?" For any of these advertisers, it's going to be a 60-yard field goal to demonstrate a break-even before XLII.